Author Archives: Nathan

Town of Saugerties resolution opposing the SAFE Act

Saugerties Resolution Regarding NY SAFE Act by Daily Freeman

Village of Penn Yan resolution opposing the SAFE Act

MOTION by Trustee M. Christensen, seconded by Trustee C. Christensen to authorize Resolution No. 14-2013 In support of the second amendment and for the Repeal of the Safe Act 2013.

WHEREAS, the Right of the People to Keep and Bear Arms is guaranteed as an Individual Right under the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution and under the Constitution of the State of New York, and;

WHEREAS, the Right of the People to Keep and Bear Arms for the defense of Life, Liberty and Property is regarded as an Inalienable Right by the People of the Village of Penn Yan, New York, and;

WHEREAS, the People of the Village of  Penn Yan, New York, derive economic benefit from all safe forms of firearms recreation, hunting and shooting conducted within in Yates County using all types of firearms allowable under the United States Constitution and the Constitution of the State of New York, and;

WHEREAS, the Penn Yan Village Board of trustees, being elected to represent the People of the Village of Penn Yan and being duly sworn by their Oath of Office to uphold the United States Constitution and the Constitution of the State of New York, and;

WHEREAS, legislation passed by the New York Assembly and Senate infringes on the Right to Keep and Bear Arms and would ban the possession and use of firearms now employed by individual citizens of the Village of Penn Yan, for defense of Life, Liberty and Property and would ban the possession and use of firearms now employed for safe forms of firearms recreation, hunting and shooting conducted within Yates County, New York and the Village of Penn Yan being the County seat of Yates County;

WHEREAS, Trustees of the Village of Penn Yan believes there a many other less intrusive means available, other than rash, confusing, and inarticulately drafted firearms laws that would effectively, control, manage and reduce violence in our society, such as, mental health reforms, anti-bullying programs for schools, enforcement of existing firearms laws to the fullest extent possible, and proper psychological counseling for those in need;


that the Penn Yan Village Board of Trustees does hereby oppose the enactment of the Safe Act 2013 and calls for the repeal of said act. That said act would infringe upon the Right of the People to keep and bear arms and consider such laws to be unnecessary and beyond lawful legislative authority granted to our State representatives, as there is no documented correlation between fun control measures and crime reduction.

RESOLVED, that certified copies of this resolution be forwarded by the Clerk of this Board to Governor Andrew Cuomo, Senator Thomas O’Mara, Assemblyman Phil Palmesano, Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos, Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver, Minority Leader Assemblyman Brian M. Kolb, Inter-County, Senator Charles Schumer, Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, Congressman Thomas Reed and to the New York Conference of Mayors.


Ayes   5  Church, Allison, C. Christensen, M. Christensen, Reeve

Nays   Stewart

Abstain    0

Absent   Winslow

Village of Penn Yan resolution regarding public safety

PUBLIC SAFETY:  MOTION by Trustee M. Christensen, seconded by Trustee C. Christensen to authorize Resolution No 13-2013 Opposing the Process for Enactment of the New York Secure ammunition and Firearms enforcement act of 2013.

WHEREAS, the enactment of the NY SAFE Act on January 15, 2013 by the NYS Legislature and signed by Governor Cuomo, although having several good points including increased criminal penalties and mental health requirements has provoked significant controversy over both the process by which it was enacted and having certain provisions contained within being viewed by many citizens that this Legislature has infringed upon their rights guaranteed to them under the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution; and

WHEREAS, Governor Cuomo has proposed spending $36 million dollars in his 2013-2014 Executive budget for the implementation of the NY SAFE Act at a time when New York State taxpayers seek tax relief, as fiscal burdens being placed on local village governments for required state services costs are unsustainable, and

WHEREAS, each and every bill that comes before the New York State Legislature before any enactment deserves a fair and open discussion that supports the people’s right to know and access to information which incorporates all points of view in order to ensure that all citizens are heard and that the Legislation has its intended purpose, and in this case benefits the people of the State of New York in reducing gun violence, and

WHEREAS, it is apparent to reasonable people that this thirty-nine page bill was hastily processed, and was adopted after minimal public discussion that contains definitions and exemption flaws, as well as possible unfunded mandates on village governmental agencies; and that the legislature and Governor did not properly seek out and consider public input to the standard that we do locally for consideration of any local laws;


Penn Yan Village Board of Trustees wishes to express its concern that the normal due process for such acts was inconsistent, and any future legislation which addresses the fringes of a constitutional freedom regarding the ownership of types of guns and the sale of ammunition in the State of New York  be conducted only after an open debate pursuant to which the public is allowed to participate in hearings or otherwise, and express their points of view, and that proper and applicable amendment to this act be enacted; and further

RESOLVED, that certified copies of this resolution be forwarded by the Clerk of this Board to Governor Andrew Cuomo, Senator Thomas O’Mara, Assemblyman Phil Palmesano, Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos, Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver, Minority Leader Assemblyman Brian M. Kolb, Inter-County, Senator Charles Schumer, Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, Congressman Thomas Reed and to the New York Conference of Mayors.


Ayes   5  Church, Allison, C. Christensen, M. Christensen, Reeve

Nays    Stewart

Abstain    0

Absent   Winslow

Town of Claverack resolution opposing the SAFE Act

March 14, 2013 7:00 PM


WHEREAS the December tragedy in Newton, CT have left us heartbroken and angry and this is a frightening addition to a growing list of mass violent acts; and

WHEREAS one of our fundamental rights and needs is to feel safe and there is compelling evidence for and against increased gun regulations in order to achieve that safety, which, at a minimum, indicates the complexity of the issue; and

WHEREAS our forefathers secured our right to protect ourselves and our country with the second amendment and the right to bear arms; and

WHEREAS within the town of Claverack reside four gun clubs and many of the residents of Claverack, regardless of political affiliation, are law abiding gun owners and;

WHEREAS many of these owners have worked hard to understand and obey the gun laws within the state of New York, which are some of the strongest in the United States, to enable them to continue to enjoy the traditions of our rural community with opportunities to feed their families, enjoy our natural beauty, occupy their time with recreational options that they can share and feel they are protecting themselves, their families and their communities; and

WHEREAS, gun regulation can be a polarizing issue, and has a direct effect on some individuals and their property and livelihood and therefore our community; and

WHEREAS the enactment of the NY SAFE Act (Chapter 1 of the Laws of 2013) has engendered significant controversy over both the process by which it was enacted and certain provisions contained within it; and

WHEREAS some of the controversy of the NY SAFE Act stems from the way in which the bill was introduced and considered,  giving state legislators very little time to review the legislation, , much less fully understand the details of the bill and receive the input of their constituents or experts regarding the complexity of this legislation; and

WHEREAS we believe our constituents, including lawful gun owners, would support legislation that they felt would have an effective impact on our recent tragedies of mass violence; and

WHEREAS, instead, aspects of this legislation could significantly penalize current law abiding gun owners; escalate the divide between “rural” and “urban” residents;  increase barriers to access mental health; increase the financial burden to tax payers for county and state residents as well as increase the burdens of many businesses; and

WHEREAS there is not any report on how the most controversial aspects of the act will not only produce meaningful results for the reduction of gun violence, but also the full impact on law abiding residents, businesses, taxpayers and mentally ill; and

WHEREAS, we, as Legislators, are charged with, and value, thoughtful debate and effective results, on behalf of our constituents, now, therefore be it

RESOLVED that the Claverack Town Board asks members of the New York State Legislature to reexamine the enactment of the NY SAFE Act (Chapter 1 of the Laws of 2013) with public and expert opinion and debate to help better achieve our mutual goals for effective outcome and consequences, especially in light of the impact on those who are current law abiding citizens that own firearms; and further be it

RESOLVED that the members of the Claverack Town Board ask all members of the State and Federal legislature to commit to the challenging and time‐consuming responsibility of looking to the roots of these acts of violence as they consider legislation; and further be it

RESOLVED that Claverack Town Board supports, and strongly encourages others to support, education and the demystification of the current technical attributes of firearms in order to help unify our communities; and further be it

RESOLVED that Claverack Town Board supports the use of Mental Health First Aid, or similar program, for education on the identification of mental health issues within our community to support the prevention of violent tragedies; and
further be it

RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be sent to the NY State Governor, State Senator Marchione, Assembly Member Didi Barrett, NY Senators Schumer and Gillibrand and Congressman Gibson.

Town of Cambria resolution opposing the SAFE Act

Town of Cambria resolution opposing the SAFE Act passed unanimously.


WHEREAS, the New York State Legislature recently enacted and Governor Andrew M. Cuomo signed into law The New York Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement Act of 2013 (NY SAFE ACT), and;

WHEREAS, the NYS SAFE Act was adopted after minimal public discussion and was available for review by the members of the New York State Legislature for only a few hours prior to its enactment; and

WHEREAS, said legislation infringes upon the constitutional rights of the citizens of the State of New York; and


RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Cambria does hereby support the Resolution adopted by the Niagara County Legislature calling upon Governor Cuomo, the New York State Assembly and the New York State Senate to immediately repeal the NY SAFE Act and to re-establish open dialogue with the public, inclusive of the representatives of the various groups cited in their resolution.

Upon a motion duly made by Councilman Foe and seconded by Councilman Roberts, it was resolved to approve the Resolution Calling for Repeal of NYS SAFE Act.

Ayes: Blackman, Ellis, Foe, Ohol, Roberts

-Motion Carried-

Town of Walton resolution opposing the SAFE Act

Town of Walton resolution opposing the SAFE Act passed unanimously.


WHEREAS, the Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States:

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.; and

WHEREAS, the right of the people to keep and bear arms for defense of life, liberty, and property is regarded as an inalienable right by the people of Delaware County and the Town of Walton; and

WHEREAS, the lawful ownership of firearms is, and has been, a valued tradition in the Town of Walton, and the rights protected by the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution are exercised by many of our residents and visitors; and

WHEREAS, it is estimated that over 60 million individuals, representing over half of the households in America, have chosen to exercise that right by owning one or more firearms; and

WHEREAS, gun bans, registration, and licensing of firearms and their owners, has had little or no effect in such urban areas such as New York City, California, Chicago and Washington, D.C. and has not prevented violent criminals from obtaining firearms illegally and committing crimes; and

WHEREAS, the people of Walton derive economic and environmental benefits from all safe forms of recreation involving firearms, including, but not limited to, hunting and target shooting while utilizing all types of firearms available under the Constitution of the United States; and

WHEREAS, members of the Walton Town Board, being elected to represent the people of Walton, are duly sworn by their oath of office to uphold the Constitution of the United States; and

WHEREAS, members of the New York State Assembly and the New York State Senate, being elected by the people of New York State, are duly sworn by their oath of office to uphold the Constitution of the United States; and

WHEREAS, the enactment of the NY SAFE Act (Chapter I of the Laws of 2013) has engendered significant controversy over both the process by which it was enacted and certain provisions contained within it; and

WHEREAS, it is our understanding that many State Legislators had less than an hour to read the legislation, which contained approximately twenty-five thousand words, before being forced to vote on it; and

WHEREAS, having reviewed the legislation and time constraints, it is our conclusion that there is no possible way any individual could have read the entire bill and understood its full implications prior to voting on it; and

WHEREAS, our State Legislators most certainly could not have had the time to request, and receive, the input of their constituents regarding this matter; and

WHEREAS, this legislation has 60 sections, of which only three take effect immediately and in our opinion, there was no reason for the Governor to use a message of necessity to bring this bill to vote immediately and bypass the three-day maturing process for all legislation; and

WHEREAS, law-abiding gun owners are required to verify ownership of certain types of firearms every five years, in addition to registering them on their permits, which now also must  be renewed every five years, does not increase the safety of the public and is unnecessarily burdensome to the residents of New York State; and

WHEREAS, there will be a significant negative financial impact due to the approximately 14,000 Delaware County permits that will have to be renewed requiring additional manpower and computer systems and is another un-funded mandate; and

WHEREAS, this legislation prohibits the sale of firearm magazines with a capacity larger than seven rounds.  Those firearm magazines with a capacity larger than seven rounds, which are authorized to be retained by existing owners, may only be loaded with seven rounds and eventually must be permanently altered to only accept seven rounds or be disposed of, thus constituting a seizure of legally-owned personal property with no provision for compensation; and

WHEREAS, few or no low capacity (7 rounds or less) magazines currently exist for many of the firearms commonly possessed by law-abiding residents of New York State; and

WHEREAS, Governor Cuomo has proposed spending $36 million dollars in his 2013- 2014 Executive budget for the implementation of the NY SAFE Act at a time when New York State residents are crying out for tax relief; and

WHEREAS, Delaware County Sheriff Thomas E. Mills has said that he “fully understands his constitutional obligations and the concerns of his citizens” and further states “under this new legislation, if called upon to go door to door to confiscate newly classified assault weapons, will not do so”; and

WHEREAS, while there are some areas of the legislation such as privacy protections for certain of pistol permit holders, by-and-large, we find the legislation does little more than negatively impact lawful gun ownership; and

WHEREAS, this legislation fails to offer any meaningful solutions to gun violence and places increased burdens where they do not belong, squarely on the backs of lawabiding citizens. This legislation effectively turns countless New York State law-abiding gun owners into criminals; and

WHEREAS, the manner in which this legislation was brought forward for vote in the State Legislature is deeply disturbing to the Walton Town Board; and

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Walton Town Board does hereby oppose, and request the repeal of, any legislation, including the sections within the NY SAFE Act (Chapter I of the Laws of 2013), which infringe upon the right of the people to keep and bear arms; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Walton Town Board considers such laws to be unconstitutional  and beyond lawful legislative authority granted to our State representatives; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Walton Town Board strongly encourages members of the New York State Legislature to hold public hearings to address the issue of gun violence in a way that will produce meaningful results; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Walton Town Board requests the members of the New York State Senate and Assembly who represent all, or part of, Delaware County to reply, in writing, with their views on, and actions taken, in support of, or opposition to, the NY SAFE Act; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be sent to President Barack Obama, Vice President Joseph Biden, Governor Andrew Cuomo, Senator Charles Schumer, Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, Congressman Chris Gibson, New York State Majority Coalition President and Leader Dean Skelos, New York State Senator Jeffrey Klein, New York State Senators James Seward, John J. Bonacic, Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver, New York State Assembly Minority Leader Brian Kolb, New York State Senate Assembly members  Cliff Crouch, Claudia Tenney , and Peter Lopez.


A motion was made by Councilman Armstrong, seconded by Rodriguez-Betancourt approving a resolution in Opposition To the New York State Safe Act.  All in favor, motion carried.

Town of Highlands resolution opposing the SAFE Act



Council Member Gunza moved the following resolution which was seconded by Council Member Edsall.

Whereas, the Town of Highlands Town Council does reaffirm its oath of office to uphold the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York; and

Whereas, the NY SAFE Act, which was signed into law on January 15, 2013 did not proceed through the usual process and may have benefited by further thought; and

Whereas, the NY SAFE Act has sections that are being challenged and may need further improvement; and

Whereas, the NY SAFE Act has certain sections that are beneficial to the public

Now Therefore Be It Resolved that the Town of Highlands Town Board requests our New York State Legislators to review and work toward necessary corrections, clarifications and improvements to the NY SAFE Act and amend it as necessary; and

Be It Further Resolved that a copy of this resolution be sent to Governor Andrew Cuomo, Senator William Larkin and Assemblyman James Skoufis.

The question of the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly put to a vote which resulted as follows:

William Edsall, Council Member Aye

James Stradley, Council Member Absent

June Gunza, Council Member Aye

Holly Gokey, Council Member Aye

Mervin R. Livsey, Supervisor Aye

The foregoing constitutes a true and complete copy of a resolution duly made, seconded and adopted at a meeting of the Town Board, Town of Highlands, on March 11, 2013.

Town of Porter resolution against the SAFE Act


Resolution to support Niagara County’s opposition to the NY SAFE Act, signed by Governor Cuomo a few weeks ago. Councilman White made this motion with Councilman Fleckenstein seconding at the February 25th work session. It was decided to hold the vote until this Board meeting. Councilman White wants to be on record he is in favor of the resolution even though he is not present tonight.

MOVER:  Jeff Baker, Councilman
SECONDER:  Joe Fleckenstein, Councilman
AYES:  Mert Wiepert, Thomas Baia, Jeff Baker, Joe Fleckenstein
ABSENT:  Larry White

Town of Lake Pleasant resolution opposing the SAFE Act

Town of Lake Pleasant resolution opposing the SAFE Act passed unanimously.

Town of Lake Pleasant

Resolution No. 28

DATED: March 4, 2013

The following RESOLUTION was adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Lake Pleasant, at a regular meeting held on March 4, 2013.


On a motion made by Supervisor Neil McGovern 2nd by Councilperson Betsy Bain

WHEREAS, the right to bear arms is guaranteed by the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution, as well as the Civil Rights Law of the State of New York, and

WHEREAS, Sheriffs represent all the people and they take an oath to uphold the
Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and

WHEREAS, Sheriffs enforce all laws of the state and will protect the rights of all citizens, including those rights guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and

WHEREAS, Sheriff Karl G. Abrams attended the New York State Sheriffs’ Association Winter Conference on January 22,2013 to January 24, 2013 in which 52 of 58 New York State’s Sheriffs were present and discussed Governor Cuomo’s SAFE Act, and

WHEREAS, Sheriff Karl G. Abrams and other members of the New York State Sheriffs’ Association identified the following six provisions of the new law, which they believe are helpful and will increase the safety of our citizens, and

WHEREAS, the six provisions are as follows:

1.  Restriction on FOIL requests about pistol permit holders. By granting citizens the option of having their names and addresses withheld from public disclosure, the new law does provide a mechanism to allow people to decide for themselves whether their personal information should be accessible to the public. We believe, however, that no one should have to explain why their personal information should remain confidential. A better procedure, we believe, is simply to exempt all this personal information from FOIL disclosure.

2.  Killing of emergency first responders.  The new law makes killing of emergency first responders aggravated or first degree murder, enhancing penalties for this crime and requiring life without parole. First responders need this protection, evidenced all too often by attacks on them when they attempt to provide help, and in special recognition of the terrible attacks on two firefighters in Webster, NY and attacks on first responders in Jefferson County.

3.  Requirement of NICS checks for private sales (except between immediate family). We believe that this will ensure that responsible citizens will still be able to obtain legal firearms through private transactions, with the added assurance that private buyers are approved by the federal National Instant Criminal Background Check System. We remain concerned that this provision will be very difficult to enforce and will likely only affect law abiding citizens.
4.  Comprehensive review of mental health records before firearms permits are granted and review of records to determine if revocation of permits is required. Sheriffs believe that there is an urgent need to increase funding for mental health care. The new law imposes reporting requirements on many mental health care professionals and others who may make a determination that a person is a danger to himself or others.  The law further gives needed authority to courts or others who issue firearm permits to deny permit applications or to revoke permits already issued. We believe that this issue demands a much more full and detailed discussion about how to keep guns out of the hands of such people. The Sheriffs of New York want to pursue these issues with the Governor and the State Legislature.

5.   Safe storage of firearms. The new law provides that guns must be safely stored if the owner lives with someone who has been convicted of a felony or domestic violence crime, has been involuntarily committed, or is currently under an order of protection. We agree that firearms owners should have the responsibility to make sure that their weapons are safeguarded against use or access by prohibited persons, and the new law adds these protections to ensure that weapons are safely and securely stored.

6.  Increased penalties for illegal use of weapons. The new law adds several increased sanctions for violation of New York gun laws and creates new gun crimes which did not previously exist. These new provisions will provide added tools for law enforcement to prosecute such crimes. We further believe that the new provisions should help deter future misuse of firearms. We also suggest that the legislature consider limitations on plea bargaining for all gun crimes.


WHEREAS, Sheriff Karl G. Abrams and other members of the New York State Sheriffs’ Association reviewed other provisions of the new law, and strongly believe that many modifications are needed to clarify the intent of some of these new provisions and that revisions are needed to allow Sheriffs to properly enforce the law in their county, and

WHEREAS, the modifications are as follows:

1. Assault weapon ban and definition of assault weapons. We believe that the new definition of assault weapons is too broad, and prevents the possession of many weapons that are legitimately used for hunting, target shooting and self defense. Classifying firearms as assault weapons because of one arbitrary feature effectively deprives people the right to possess firearms which have never before been designated as assault weapons. We are convinced that only law abiding gun owners will be affected by these new provisions, while criminals will still have and use whatever weapons they want.

2.  Inspection of schools bv state agencies. The new law transfers to state
agencies the responsibility to review school safety plans. We expect that
funding will be transferred to these state agencies to implement safety
proposals. Sheriffs and local police provide this service in all parts of the
state and can perform these duties efficiently. As the chief law enforcement officer of the county, Sheriffs are in the best position to know the security needs of schools in their own counties, and the state should help to fund these existing efforts by Sheriffs and local police departments to keep our schools safe. Because Sheriffs and local police are already deeply involved with school safety plans, have developed emergency response plans, and are familiar with structural layouts of schools in their counties, they should be included along with state counterparts in any effort to review school safety plans.

Reduction of ammunition magazine capacity. The new law enacts reductions in the maximum capacity of gun magazines. We believe based on our years of law enforcement experience that this will not reduce gun violence. The new law will unfairly limit the ability of law abiding citizens to purchase firearms in New York. It bears repeating that it is our belief that the reduction of magazine capacity will not make New Yorkers or our communities safer.

Five year recertification of pistol permit status and registration of existing assault weapons. The new law delegates to the State Police the duty to solicit and receive updated personal information of permit holders every five years in order to maintain these permits. Further, the law requires owners of certain existing firearms now classified as assault weapons to register these with the State Police within one year. The recertification and registration conflict with Sheriffs’ duties regarding issuance of pistol permits. All records should be maintained at the local, and not the state level. This information should be accessible to those who are responsible for initial investigation of permit applications. Pistol permit information should be maintained in one file at the local level, and forwarded to a statewide database for law enforcement use. It bears repeating that it is our belief that pistol permit and any registration information required by the law should be confidential and protected from FOIL disclosure.

Sale of ammunition. The new law imposes several new provisions regarding how, and from whom, ammunition can be lawfully purchased.  The law should be clarified about the use of the Internet as a vehicle for these sales, out of state sales to New York residents, and other issues.  Businesses have said that they do not understand the new provisions and are concerned that they will have to cease operations.

Law enforcement exemptions must be clarified. The new law has many provisions that might apply to law enforcement officers and there has been much confusion about whether existing law enforcement exemptions continue to apply. We understand that the Governor and Legislature have already agreed to review and modify these provisions where necessary, and the Sheriffs want to be part of the discussion to make the changes effective. Additionally, the exemptions should apply to retired police and peace officers and to others in the employ of the Sheriff and other police agencies that perform security duties at public facilities and events.

Method of bill passage. It is the view of the Sheriffs’ Association that anytime government decides it is necessary or desirable to test the boundaries of a constitutional right that it should only be done with caution and with great respect for those constitutional boundaries.  Further, it should only be done if the benefit to be gained is so great and certain that it far outweighs the damage done by the constriction of individual liberty. While many of the provisions of the new law have surface appeal, it is far from certain that all, or even many, of them will have any significant effect in reducing gun violence, which is the presumed goal of all of us. Unfortunately the process used in adoption of this act did not permit the mature development of the arguments on either side of the debate, and thus many of the stakeholders in this important issue are left feeling ignored by their government. Even those thrilled with the passage of this legislation should be concerned about the process used to secure its passage, for the next time they may find themselves the victim of that same process. Fortunately, the Governor has shown himself open to working with interested parties to address some of the problems that arose due to the hasty enactment of this law.  We will work with the Governor and the Legislature on these issues.

WHEREAS, Sheriff Karl G. Abrams understands his Constitutional obligations and the concerns of constituents. Sheriff Karl G. Abrams and his Deputies are not called upon by this new legislation to go door to door to confiscate any weapons newly classified as assault weapons, and will not do so, and

WHEREAS, Sheriff Karl G. Abrams along with Hamilton County Clerk Jane S. Zarecki are asking for the Hamilton County Board of Supervisors to support the New York State Sheriffs’ Association’s Position to Governor Cuomo’s NY SAFE Act, be it

RESOLVED, that the Hamilton County Board of Supervisors are supporting the New York State Sheriffs’ Association’s Position to Governor Cuomo’s NY SAFE Act, and be it further

RESOLVED, that certified copies of this Resolution be forwarded to the Governor of the State of New York Andrew M. Cuomo, Senator Hugh T. Farley, Assemblyman Marc Butler, New York State Association of Counties and the New York State Sheriffs’ Association.

AYES: ALL Councilman Mike O’Connor, Councilman Robert Peck, Councilperson Betsy Bain, Councilperson Nancy Germain, Supervisor Neil McGovern


Town of Masonville resolution opposing the SAFE Act



WHEREAS,the Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States states:  A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed;and

WHEREAS, the right of the people to keep and bear arms for defense of life, liberty, and property is regarded as an inalienable right by the people of Delaware County and the Town of Masonville; and

WHEREAS, the lawful ownership of fire arms is, and has been, a valued tradition in the Town of Masonville,and the rights protected by the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution are exercised by many of our residents and visitors;and

WHEREAS, it is estimated that over 60 million individuals, representing over half of the house holds in America, have chosen to exercise that right by owning one or more fire arms; and

WHEREAS, gun bans, registration, and licensing of fire arms and their owners, has had little or no effect in such urban areas such as New York City, California, Chicago and Washington, D.C. and has not prevented violent criminals from obtaining fire arms illegally and committing crimes; and

WHEREAS, the people of Masonville derive economic and environmental benefits from all safe forms of recreation involving fire arms, including, but not limited to, hunting and target shooting while utilizing all types of fire arms available under the Constitution of the United States; and

WHEREAS, members of the Masonville Town Board, being elected to represent the people of Masonville, are duly sworn by their oath of office to up hold the Constitution of the United States; and

WHEREAS, members of the New York State Assembly and the New York State Senate, being elected by the people of New York State, are duly sworn by their oath of office to uphold the Constitution of the United States; and

WHEREAS, the enactment of the NY SAFE Act (Chapter I of the Laws of 2013) has engendered significant controversy over both the process by which it was enacted and certain provisions contained within it; and

WHEREAS, it is our understanding that many State Legislators had less than an hour to read the legislation, which contained approximately twenty-five thousand words, before being forced to vote on it; and

WHEREAS, having reviewed the legislation and time constraints, it is our conclusion that there is no possible way any individual could have read the entire bill and understood its full implications prior to voting on it; and

WHEREAS, our State Legislators most certainly could not have had the time to request, and receive, the input of their constituents regarding this matter; and

WHEREAS, this legislation has 60 sections, of which only three take effect immediately and in our opinion, there was no reason for the Governor to use a message of necessity to bring this bill to vote immediately and bypass the three-day maturing process for all legislation; and

WHEREAS, law-abiding gun owners are required to verify owner ship of certain types of fire arms every five years, in addition to registering them on their permits, which now also must be renewed every five years, does not increase the safety of the public and is unnecessarily burdensome to the residents of New York State; and

WHEREAS, there will be a significant negative financial impact due to the approximately 14,000 Delaware County permits that will have to be renewed requiring additional man power and computer systems and is another un-funded mandate; and

WHEREAS, this legislation prohibits the sale of firearm magazines with a capacity larger than seven rounds.  Those firearm magazines with a capacity larger than seven rounds, which are authorized to be retained by existing owners, may only be loaded with seven rounds and eventually must be permanently altered to only accept seven rounds or be disposed of, thus constituting a seizure of legally-owned personal property with no provision for compensation; and

WHEREAS, few or no low capacity (7 rounds or less) magazines currently exist for many of the firearms commonly possessed by law-abiding residents of New York State; and

WHEREAS, Governor Cuomo has proposed spending $36 million dollars in his 2013-2014 Executive budget for the implementation of the NY SAFE Act at a time when New York State residents are crying out for tax relief; and

WHEREAS, Delaware County Sheriff Tomas E. Mills has said that he “fully understands his constitutional obligations and the concerns of his citizens” and further states “under this new legislation, if called upon to go door to door to confiscate newly classified assault weapons, will not do so”; and

WHEREAS, while there are some areas of the legislation such as privacy protections for certain of pistol permit holders, by-and-large, we find the legislation does little more than negatively impact lawful gun ownership; and

WHEREAS, this legislation fails to offer any meaningful solutions to gun violence and places increased burdens where they do not be long, squarely on the back so flaw-abiding citizens.  This legislation effectively turns countless New York State law-abiding gun owners in to criminals; and

WHEREAS, the manner in which this legislation was brought forward for vote in the State Legislature is deeply disturbing to the Masonville Town Board; and

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Masonville Town Board does hereby oppose, and request the repeal of, any legislation, including the sections within the NY SAFE Act (Chapter I of the Laws of 2013), which in fringe upon the right of the people to keep and bear arms; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Masonville Town Board considers such laws to be unconstitutional and beyond lawful legislative authority granted to our State representatives; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Masonville Town Board strongly encourages members of the New York State Legislature to hold public hearings to address the issue of gun violence in a way that will produce meaningful results; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Masonville Town Board requests the members of the New York State Senate and Assembly who represent all, or part of, Delaware County to reply, in writing, with their views on, and actions taken, in support of, or opposition to, the NY SAFE Act; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be sent to President Barack Obama, Vice President Joseph Biden, Governor Andrew Cuomo, Senator Charles Schumer, Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, Congressman Chris Gibson, New York State Majority Coalition President and Leader Dean Skelos, New York State Senator Jeffrey Klein, New York State Senators James Seward, John J. Bonacic, Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver, New York State Assembly Minority Leader Brian Kolb, New York State Senate Assembly members Cliff Crouch, Claudia Tenney , and Peter Lopez.