Spencer Passes Second Amendment Resolution

The Spencer Town Council had a busy meeting when they met on February 12 that included receiving bids for a new boiler, determining the ownership of the historical museum and passing a resolution in favor of the second amendment.

The council ended up receiving information on supporting the second amendment, colloquially known as the right to bear arms, from both a resident and a council member. Arnie Pasto gave the council information on a resolution passed by Ulster County that was in opposition to the NY SAFE Act, which put more restrictions on guns and gun ownership. Councilman Barney Smith had a similar resolution from the Town of Barton. The council ended up passing a version of the resolution from the Town of Barton that exchanged Barton for Spencer in all cases. Spencer’s resolution was a little less specific in its opposition to new laws enacted by the state as opposed to the Ulster County resolution but shared the same sentiment. The resolution stated that they felt further regulation or laws concerning gun control were unnecessary and infringed upon individuals’ rights. The resolution also states that they are opposed to “the enactment of any legislation that would infringe upon the Right of the People to Keep and Bear arms.”

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