Tag Archives: AssociationOfCountyClerks

New York State Association of County Clerks passes resolution banning the state from using county seals in SAFE Act promotions

Oswego County Clerk Michael Backus said he voted in November for a resolution banning the state from using county seals in his SAFE Act promotions.

“I voted for, and the (state) Clerks Association unanimously passed, a resolution opposed to the use of county seals regarding the SAFE Act,” Backus said.

“Quite honestly, it’s another example of how flawed this law is that the governor shoved through the legislature,” Backus said. “It was advertised to have no financial impact on counties and that has been proven to be false.”

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NYSACC Western Region County Clerks oppose use of county seals by New York State


RESOLVED, that the NYSACC Western Region County Clerks representing Allegany, Chautauqua, Cattaraugus, Erie, Genesee, Niagara, Orleans and Wyoming Counties deny the State of New York State Police permission to use the Name, Seal of the County, letterhead or address for purposes of correspondence with or notices to legal and registered gun owners regarding permit recertification or for any other purpose associated with the SAFE Act, and be it further.

RESOLVED, that copies of this resolution are forwarded to the New York State Association of County Clerks Legislative Committee and a copy kept in the office of each of the County Clerks representing the Western Region of New York.


New York State Association of County Clerks 2013 Position Statement

*** This is weak opposition to just the unfunded mandates ***

County Clerks Position Statement 1-13

The New York State Association of County Clerks (NYSACC) has represented all 62 elected or appointed County Clerks within the State for over 75 years. Many County Clerks are responsible for filing pistol or revolver license records. The recent New York State gun legislation, and proposed chapter amendments, has potential impacts to the County Clerk’s role when administrating the filing of pistol or revolver license records. NYSACC believes the following requests are necessary to follow for the safety and wellbeing of our residents:

  1. NYSACC opposes any effort to make the county government responsible for now statutory five year recertification process. Any shift of this responsibility from the State Police to the county government would amount to an unfunded mandate on county taxpayers.
  2. NYSACC opposes any effort to shift responsibility to county government regarding the rifle registry that is detailed in the Governor’s SAFE act. Such a change would amount to an unfunded mandate on county taxpayers.
  3. NYSACC opposes the imposition of any fees on New York State gun owners to finance the new provisions of the SAFE act.
  4. Any costs associated with the implementation of the SAFE act must be borne by the State, not the local counties.
  5. County Clerks support the continuation of the Pistol Permit Application, Amendments and files should be maintained at the county level.
  6. County Clerks stress the importance of communication and transferring of information between the County Clerks, the State Police, NYS Mental Health and OCA.
  7. Recognizing the fluid and quick changing nature of potential legislation on gun control, the Executive Officers of NYSACC are hereby authorized to issue a letter of opposition for any bill that attempts to enact the above mention actions. This authority shall expire on December 31, 2013.