Author Archives: Evan (admin)

Want to throw Cuomo out? The grassroots are doing a moneybomb!

http://rob4ny.comIts really cool watching and participating in all the creativity we, the grassroots, have unleashed in opposition to the #NYSAFE act.  While I’ve been busy with work (notice the lack of posts here on the site? Thankfully I have people to help me out on the FaceBook page), a very cool #MoneyBomb for Rob Astorino was started!

I have some really bad news — really bad for Andrew Cuomo!

Which means GREAT news for you and me.

A group of grassroots folks pulled together a Social Media Blitz that is now spreading like wildfire. It was launched on Facebook four days ago and has already raised more than $41,500.00 in PLEDGES!

What is a MoneyBomb?: A MoneyBomb is an INTENSE GRASSROOTS online fundraising effort done over short periods of time. This one is going to support Pro 2nd Amendment Gubernatorial Candidate Rob Astorino who has been really mauling Cuomo lately. (Here’s a link to one such video: )

How does it Work?: It’s Simple & Easy 1-2-3:

(1) [If you are not on Facebook just skip to step 2!] Click “GOING” on the Facebook event Page & Direct Message and / or Share it with ALL your Facebook Friends ( << That “Direct Message / Share” is REALLY Important because it helps multiply our impact! – see below)


(2) Then head on over to ( and see how much has already been PLEDGED in just a little over three days. All you need to do is click on the orange PLEDGE button. Fill in the fields accurately and pick the amount that is right for you. Do you have to pay it now? Nope – you don’t CONTRIBUTE until D-Day or June 6, 2014).

(3) Finally – 34 days from now is D-Day and the day this MoneyBomb comes due. Go to and click on the DONATE button and contribute the total amount of any Pledges you made via this MoneyBomb.

Cool, huh?  If you like Astorino (I do, he’s been vocally opposing the so called SAFE act, even though RINO GOP leaders like Skelos wish he’d keep his mouth shut), then head on over to the site and make a pledge!

Next its important to spread the word, go to the facebook event, click ‘Join’:

Screenshot from 2014-05-06 23:29:34

Then, click ‘Invite’, and ‘Choose Friends’ from the drop-down menu.

Screenshot from 2014-05-06 23:34:12

Next choose as many friends as might support your second amendment rights (or stand up against Common Core, or don’t like corruption, etc — there’s lots of areas where Cuomo is bad and Astorino is great).

Screenshot from 2014-05-05 23:07:55

Click, send.  That’s it, you’ve done your part to spread the word.  If your friends do likewise then attendance will grow exponentially, and we’ll astound the naysayers and be well on our way to getting a governor who will stand up for our rights instead of treading them under foot.

Do more than vote, sign up with NY2A here:

Do more than vote, sign up with NY2A here:

State officials won’t be able to use Ulster County seal for SAFE Act

KINGSTON >> State officials will be prohibited from use of the official Ulster County seal for any purpose under a resolution that began as opposition to the way gun laws were tightened without public comment.

The restriction was adopted during a county Legislature meeting Tuesday, with the final resolution coming after a Democratic caucus that had lawmakers rejecting sections that would have prohibited state use of the county’s name or address.

“We can’t tell (the state) not to use the name of Ulster County,” legislative attorney Cappy Weiner said.

“Unless you copyrighted the name Ulster County you can’t tell someone not to use the name Ulster County,” he said. “It’s in the public domain … The seal is different. You created the seal. Our charter addresses it.”

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State officially denied use of Chenango county seal in SAFE Act

CHENANGO COUNTY – New York State has officially been denied use of the Chenango County seal on correspondence relative to the locally contested Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement (SAFE) Act.

Members of the Chenango County Board of Supervisors on Monday unanimously adopted a resolution prohibiting the state from using the county name, seal, letter head, or address for purposes of correspondence with legal and registered gun owners.

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Governor Cuomo’s office responds to our 2014 FOIL request

On February 22nd, many of us sent a FOIL request to the office of Governor Cuomo to send us a list of Resolutions he has received on the SAFE act.  April 15th we got a response:


Dear Mr. Hempel:

This letter responds to your correspondence dated February 22, 2014 which, pursuant to FOIL, requested:

lists of the following categories:

1. all counties which have sent a copy of a resolution or other statement regarding the SAFE act or second amendment or gun rights

2. all cities which have sent a copy of a resolution or other statement regarding the SAFE act or second amendment or gun rights

3. all towns which have sent a copy of a resolution or other statement regarding the SAFE act or second amendment or gun rights

4. all villages which have sent a copy of a resolution or other statement regarding the SAFE act or second amendment or gun rights

5. all law enforcement groups which have sent a copy of a resolution or other statement regarding the SAFE act or second amendment or gun rights

6. all other governmental bodies which have sent a copy of a resolution or other statement regarding the SAFE act or second amendment or gun rights

7. all counties which have sent a copy of a resolution or other statement regarding use of their county seal, letterhead, or other identifying information

In each of these lists, provide the name of the entity and whether the resolution or statement was in favor of the SAFE act, in opposition, or neutral.

The Executive Chamber has conducted a diligent search for the records you request. Although we do not possess lists containing the information you seek, we located eight hundred seventy-one (871) pages of resolutions and official statements that respond to your request. You may access the records here: Please note that this link will expire after thirty (30) days.

To the extent you are not satisfied with this response, pursuant to Public Officers Law § 89(4)(a), you have thirty (30) days to take a written appeal of this determination. You may make an appeal by writing: FOIL Appeals Officer, Executive Chamber, State of New York, Albany, New York, 12224.

Very truly yours,

Sherry Hwang
FOIL Counsel
Records Access Officer

Copy of response

Embedded scribd document coming soon. For now download here:

Town of Clarkson resolution opposing the NY SAFE act

PRESENT: Supervisor Kimball, Councilpersons Hoy, Filipowicz, Didas and Smith

Introduced by Councilperson Didas
Seconded by Councilperson Hoy

WHEREAS, the New York State Legislature has passed the “New York Safe Act” statute, which statute was hastily drawn and quickly adopted by New York State; and

WHEREAS, a more thoughtful review of the act, as presently adopted, discloses various inconsistencies, omissions and irregularities, as well as provisions which are either incapable of clear definition or application, both by those who are opposed to the act and those who are in favor of it, in whole or in part; and

WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Clarkson wishes to go on record with respect to the New York Safe Act and its present provisions, so as to encourage the New York State Legislature to address all of the above issues with respect to the act as it is presently enacted and to encourage amendment and revisions to such act to address the legitimate concerns of all citizens of the State who are interested in the subject matter of the act.

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Town Board of the Town of Clarkson, Monroe County, New York, as follows:

SECTION 1. By the adoption of this resolution, the Town Board of the Town of Clarkson does hereby encourage and support the representatives of the Town of Clarkson in the New York Legislature to address all of the outstanding and unresolved issues as set forth above and to amend or revise or otherwise act upon the New York Safe Act in such a manner so as to resolve the same in the best interest of the constituents which they serve.

AYES: Supervisor Kimball, Councilpersons Hoy, Filipowicz, Didas and Smith
NAYS: None

Columbia County Supervisors: No seal for SAFE Act

The Board of Supervisors voted recently to deny the use of Columbia County’s seal in correspondence related to the Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement Act, to eliminate any alleged endorsement.

Members supported the resolution County Clerk Holly Tanner brought before the board’s County Government Committee on Feb. 25 by 2,768 to 458 votes, with 475 absent. Supervisor Bill Hughes, D-Hudson4, the board’s minority leader, requested roll-call votes on the SAFE Act resolution

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Iroquois Rod & Gun Club Resolution Condemning the NYS SAFE Act 0f 2013, and Supporting Citizens Inalienable Rights to Bear Arms

Iroquois Rod & Gun Club Resolution Condemning the NYS SAFE Act 0f 2013, and Supporting Citizens Inalienable Rights to Bear Arms. Passed unanimously by the Iroquois Board and General Membership March 18, 2014.

Iroquois Rod Gun Club Resolution Page 1
Iroquois Rod Gun Club Resolution Page 2

Fulton County denies the State the right to use their County Seal

The board also formally denied the state permission to use the Fulton County seal or the seal of its sheriff’s department, for “purposes of correspondence with legal and registered gun owners regarding permit recertification or any other purpose” associated with the new Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement Act of 2013, or SAFE Act.

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Erie County Seal resolution

Erie County Seal Resolution

Passed March 13th.






NO. 63







INTRODUCED BY: Messrs. Flisnik, Porter, Waterman, Joseph, Mandryck, Goodman, Koenig, Davis, Leach


2ND BY: Mr. Miller






WHEREAS the State of New York has passed a gun control law referred to as the New York SAFE Act signed by Governor Andrew M. Cuomo on January 15, 2013, and:



WHEREAS, the State of New York has indicated it will assume the fiscal and programmatic responsibilities for any new activities stemming from this law, and



WHEREAS, the Legislature of the County of Oneida did, on February 13, 2013, oppose the SAFE Act and call for its immediate annulment, and



WHEREAS, agencies of the State of New York have expressed their intention to issue pistol permit recertification notices utilizing the seals of the respective counties of residence of pistol permit holders, and



WHEREAS,the Legislature of Oneida County opposes the expropriation of the Oneida County seal by the State of New York for use in matters related to the NY SAFE Act, and has denied the State of New York permission to utilize the same, now, therefore, be it



RESOLVED: That the Oneida County Board of Legislators objects to the expropriation of the Oneida County Seal by the State of New York and other external entities, and be it further



RESOLVED: That the Oneida County Board of Legislators does hereby deny the State of New York and other external entities permission to use the name, letterhead, address or seal of the County of Oneida for purposes of correspondence with or notices to legal and registered gun owners regarding permit recertification or for any other purpose associated with implementation or exercise of the NY SAFE Act, and be it further



RESOLVED: That copies of this resolution should be transmitted to the office of the Governor of New York State, the Superintendent of the New York State Police, New York State Senator Joseph Griffo, New York State Assembly Representative Anthony Brindisi, New York State Senator David Valesky, New York State Assembly Representative Claudia R. Tenney, New York State Assembly Representative Ken Blankenbush, New York State Assembly Representative William Magee, New York State Assembly Representative Marc Butler, County Executive Anthony Picente, Oneida County Sheriff Robert Maciol, Oneida County Clerk Sandra DePerno, Oneida County Court  Judge Michael Dwyer and Pistol Permit Assistant Daniel P. Sullivan and all others deemed necessary and proper.



APPROVED: Public Safety (March 5, 2014)


Ways & Means Committee (March, 12, 2014 )


DATED: March 12, 2014


Adopted by the following vote as amended:


AYES 16 NAYS 4 (Tallarino, Hendricks, Furgol, Sacco) ABSENT 3 (Fort, Convertino, Speciale)