Its really cool watching and participating in all the creativity we, the grassroots, have unleashed in opposition to the #NYSAFE act. While I’ve been busy with work (notice the lack of posts here on the site? Thankfully I have people to help me out on the FaceBook page), a very cool #MoneyBomb for Rob Astorino was started!
I have some really bad news — really bad for Andrew Cuomo!
Which means GREAT news for you and me.
A group of grassroots folks pulled together a Social Media Blitz that is now spreading like wildfire. It was launched on Facebook four days ago and has already raised more than $41,500.00 in PLEDGES!
What is a MoneyBomb?: A MoneyBomb is an INTENSE GRASSROOTS online fundraising effort done over short periods of time. This one is going to support Pro 2nd Amendment Gubernatorial Candidate Rob Astorino who has been really mauling Cuomo lately. (Here’s a link to one such video: )
How does it Work?: It’s Simple & Easy 1-2-3:
(1) [If you are not on Facebook just skip to step 2!] Click “GOING” on the Facebook event Page & Direct Message and / or Share it with ALL your Facebook Friends ( << That “Direct Message / Share” is REALLY Important because it helps multiply our impact! – see below)
(2) Then head on over to ( and see how much has already been PLEDGED in just a little over three days. All you need to do is click on the orange PLEDGE button. Fill in the fields accurately and pick the amount that is right for you. Do you have to pay it now? Nope – you don’t CONTRIBUTE until D-Day or June 6, 2014).
(3) Finally – 34 days from now is D-Day and the day this MoneyBomb comes due. Go to and click on the DONATE button and contribute the total amount of any Pledges you made via this MoneyBomb.
Cool, huh? If you like Astorino (I do, he’s been vocally opposing the so called SAFE act, even though RINO GOP leaders like Skelos wish he’d keep his mouth shut), then head on over to the site and make a pledge!
Next its important to spread the word, go to the facebook event, click ‘Join’:
Then, click ‘Invite’, and ‘Choose Friends’ from the drop-down menu.
Next choose as many friends as might support your second amendment rights (or stand up against Common Core, or don’t like corruption, etc — there’s lots of areas where Cuomo is bad and Astorino is great).
Click, send. That’s it, you’ve done your part to spread the word. If your friends do likewise then attendance will grow exponentially, and we’ll astound the naysayers and be well on our way to getting a governor who will stand up for our rights instead of treading them under foot.

Do more than vote, sign up with NY2A here: