Tag Archives: TownOfNewstead

Town of Newstead resolution calling for repeal of the NY SAFE Act


WHEREAS, The Town of Newstead, which represents the voice of the people, that represent citizens of the northeast portion of County of Erie, in the State of New York, and

WHEREAS, On Monday January 14th, 2013 the rights under the second Amendment of our Constitution were infringed upon without due process, and

WHEREAS, The Gun Control Bill (S.2230) known as NY SAFE Act was rushed through the Senate & Assembly without a single Public hearing or input from the various Law enforcement agencies located in our State, and

WHEREAS, State lawmakers did not have time to review the bill as presented leaving questions about implementation and regulation of this new law, and

WHEREAS, This law should focus on increasing penalties for criminals who use firearms to harm and threaten law abiding citizens and address the issues of mental illness related to violence, and

WHEREAS, The Town of Newstead realizes that NY SAFE Act, gun control law must be repealed and replace the restrictive parts of the enacted law, and

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town of Newstead asks Governor Andrew M. Cuomo & the Legislative leaders to repeal this law as soon as possible and to look at all of the aspects of gun control using the proper legal procedure to bring about a law that will address gun control in a more logical manner, focusing on the real issues related to gun control – a law that will strengthen the effect on public safety and not infringe upon our constitutional rights; and that it be further

RESOLVED, that a certified copy of this resolution be forwarded to: Honorable Governor Andrew M. Cuomo, Honorable Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos, Majority Leader of Independent Democratic Caucus Jeff Klein, Honorable Senate Minority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins, Honorable Speaker of the Assembly Sheldon Silver, Honorable Leader of the Assembly Joseph Morelle, Honorable Minority Leader of the Assembly Brian Kolb, and the Western New York Delegation and Erie County Legislators

The above resolution was duly put to a roll call vote at a regular meeting of the Newstead Town Board on February 25, 2013, the results of which were as follows:

Councilman Rooney      NO
Councilman Mayrose    AYE
Councilman Baran        AYE
Councilman York           AYE
Supervisor Cummings AYE