Tag Archives: TownOfRomulus

Town of Romulus resolution opposing the SAFE Act

Town of Romulus resolution opposing the SAFE Act passed unanimously.


WHEREAS, the New York State legislature, apparently in reaction to recent acts of violence recently passed legislation virtually without preparation or study or opportunity for public comment; and

WHEREAS, such legislation, enacted under the acronym: ‘New York SAFE Act’,
severely affects the rights of law abiding New York State residents to keep and maintain firearms; and

WHEREAS, this legislation, currently being challenged in the courts, restricts the loading of firearm magazines to seven rounds with no apparent exception for law enforcement personnel, makes unlawful the possession of magazines and firearms currently lawfully owned by tens of thousands of New Yorkers, restricts private sale of firearms and requires licensing or re-licensing of firearms previously not requiring license or for which licenses were obtained without need for periodic renewal; and

WHEREAS, it is believed that many Seneca County residents are deeply concerned with this legislation, its effect and the undue haste with which it was enacted; therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Town of Romulus Town Board calls for reconsideration and repeal of the so called New York SAFE Act of2013

This Resolution shall take effect immediately.

The question of the adoption of the foregoing Resolution was duly put to vote, which resulted as follows:

Motioned by: Councilman Ralph Walborn, Jr.
Seconded by: Councilman Gordon Carroll

Councilman Carroll               [yea]
Councilman Walborn           [yea]
Councilwoman McCall         [yea]
Councilman Collinsworth   [yea]
Supervisor Kaiser                  [yea]


The Resolutions were thereupon duly adopted.