Town of Madrid resolution opposing the NY SAFE act

At a regular Madrid Town Board meeting held on May 8, 2013 the Board passed the following resolution:


WHEREAS, many of the residents of the Town of Madrid have expressed their displeasure not only with the provisions of the NY Safe Act itself, but also the manner and method used to bring it to the floor and vote it into law, and

WHEREAS, using a message of necessity to bring forth and enact a law that has dozens of sections and changes in current laws, but only three of which take effect immediately, negates the argument that the speed with which this bill was brought forward was necessary, and

WHEREAS, the sheer size of the bill, the extent of the many new changes it brings and the very short time that the bill was made available to the New York State Senate and Assembly for review, effectively precluded discussion and debate on the provisions set forth in the bill, preventing the mature development of arguments, both for and against, and

WHEREAS, in an attempt to bring forth meaningful solutions for dealing with or preventing gun violence, this legislation and the majority of its provisions affect law abiding gun owners in negative and unnecessary ways, and they were not given the opportunity to express their views or otherwise comment on the bill, and

WHEREAS, while there are provisions of the bill that have merit, for example; increased penalty for killing emergency responders, NICS checks for private sales of firearms, safe storage provisions, mental health record review, and increased penalties for the illegal use of a weapon; other provisions of the law, which run roughshod over second amendment rights, must be reconsidered and a new law should be introduced in a transparent manner, and it must be given the time necessary to review its provisions, engage in meaningful and constructive debate and allow public review, comment and input relative to the content of the bill, and

WHEREAS, the New York SAFE Act, as passed, will require County Clerks to carry out several provisions of the law but fails to address the responsibility for funding those additional duties, thus inflicting another unfunded mandate on already cash strapped counties,

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Madrid Town Board strongly encourages the members of the New York State Legislature to bring forth a bill that addresses the real problems confronted by today’s society and not jeopardize the rights of law abiding citizens, and allow time for public comment, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be sent to Governor Andrew Cuomo, Senator Patty Ritchie, Senator Joseph Griffo, Senator Elizabeth O’C Little, Assemblyman Kenneth Blankenbush, Assemblywoman Addie Russell, Assemblyman Marc Butler, Assemblywoman Janet Duprey, and the Board of each County of the State of New York.

I, Judy Hargrave, Clerk of the Town of Madrid Town Board, do hereby certify, that I have compared this resolution entitled “Opposing a Number of Provisions Enacted under the New York SAFE Act and the Manner in Which it was Enacted”, adopted May 8, 2013, with the original record in this office and the same is a correct transcript thereof and of the whole of said original record.

Judy Hargrave, Town Clerk
Town of Madrid
May 10, 2013

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