Tag Archives: ChemungCounty

Chemung County resolution objecting to use of county seal by NY state in conjunction with the SAFE act

Resolution Objecting To Use Of Chemung County Seal By New York State Associated With NY SAFE ACT Passed By Legislature
January 15, 2014
At the meeting of the Chemung County Legislature on January 13th, the legislature passed the following resolution objecting to the use of Chemung County’s Seal or Logo on the State website associated with pistol permit re-certification and/or the NY SAFE ACT of 2013.
WHEREAS, the State of New York has passed a gun control law referred to as the SAFE Act, and
WHEREAS, in recent discussions, the state has indicated as interest in using the Seal of Chemung County and the names of the offices of the Chemung County Sheriff and Chemung County Clerk in pistol permit re-certification notices; and
WHEREAS, the County Sheriff and County Clerk have voiced their strong objection to this request and suggestion; therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Chemung County Legislature denies the State of New York permission to use the name, seal of Chemung County, letterhead of address for purposes of correspondence with legal and registered gun owners regarding permit re-certification or for any other purpose associated with the SAFE Act; and be it further
RESOLVED, that copies of this resolution should be transmitted to the Office of Governor of the State of New York, Senator Thomas F. O’Mara, Assemblyman Christopher S. Friend, the Superintendent of the New York State Police, and the Legislature of every County in New York State.

Resolution against mandatory firearm liability insurance passed by Chemung County and the Town of Catlin


Resolution opposing pending New York State legislation (Senate bill S2353 and Assembly bill A3908 of 2013) which amends the New York State Insurance Law to require owners of firearms to obtain liability insurance

By: Graubard
Seconded by: Brennan

WHEREAS, legislation has been introduced by New York State Assemblyman Felix Ortiz, that would amend the New York State Insurance Law requiring all owners of firearms to obtain not less than one million dollars in liability insurance; and

WHEREAS, such legislation infringes upon the Second Amendment rights of our residents to keep and bear arms; and

WHEREAS, said liability insurance would be to specifically cover any damages resulting from any negligent or willful act involving the use of a firearm;  and

WHEREAS, such legislation also states that failure to maintain such insurance shall result in the immediate revocation of such owner’s registration, license and any other privilege to own such firearm; and

WHEREAS, said liability insurance is not readily available, as insurance policies generally exclude damages from willful acts; and

WHEREAS, requiring law-abiding gun owners to obtain liability insurance is unnecessarily burdensome to the residents of New York State; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the Chemung County Legislature opposes any effort by the New York State Legislature to amend the New York State Insurance Law to require owners of firearms to obtain liability insurance; and, be it further

RESOLVED, that the Clerk of the Legislature is hereby authorized and directed to forward certified copies of this Resolution to the Governor Andrew Cuomo, Senator Thomas O’Mara, Assemblymen Felix Ortiz, Christopher Friend and Philip Palmesano, the New York State Association of Counties, and the Inter-County Association of Western New York.

Ayes: Pastrick, Manchester, Sweet, Brennan, Graubard, Hyland, Milliken, Woodard, Hitchcock, Bennett, Jackson, Milazzo, Strange, Draxler (Chair) (14); Excused: Madl (1); Opposed: None

Passed by Chemung County Legislature on April 8, 2013.

Same resolution passed unanimously by Catlin Town Board on April 11, 2013.

Chemung County opposes NY’s new gun law

The Chemung County Legislature received a round of applause Monday night after unanimously approving a resolution calling for the repeal of the New York Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement Act, or the NY SAFE Act, the state’s new gun control measure.

The Chemung County vote was 14-0, with Brian Hyland, R-6th District, absent, said Karen Miner, county information director. Twelve members of the public spoke in favor of repealing the act, she said. The Schuyler County Legislature took similar action Monday night.

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Chemung County resolution opposing the NY SAFE Act

Passed unanimously March 11th.


Resolution calling for the repeal of the New York Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement Act of 2013

By: Graubard
Seconded by: Bennett

WHEREAS, the New York State Legislature recently enacted and Governor Andrew Cuomo signed into law The New York Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement Act of 2013 (“NY SAFE ACT”); and

WHEREAS, this Legislation is viewed by many citizens of the State of New York as being extremely controversial as those citizens view this Legislation as infringing upon their rights guaranteed to them under the Second Amendment of the United State Constitution; and

WHEREAS, each and every issue that comes before the New York State Legislature before an enactment deserves a fair and open discussion which incorporates all points of view in order to ensure that all citizens are heard and that the Legislation incorporates the various points of view expressed during that discussion and the Legislation benefits all of the citizens of the State of New York; and

WHEREAS, the NY SAFE ACT was adopted after minimal public discussion, contains serious flaws, i.e., police officers are not exempt, and after having been on the desks of the members of the New York State Legislature for only a few hours, thereafter was literally adopted literally in the night and signed into law by Governor Andrew Cuomo; and

WHERESAS, in 2011 amendments were made to the Open Meetings Law (Public Officers Law Section 103), requiring a public body prior to a meeting to post on its website, to the extent practicable, for public benefit, all records that may be considered or discussed at that meeting; and

WHEREAS, A.107 has been pre-filed before the New York State Assembly for the 2013-2014 Regular Session, to amend the Public Officers Law (Sections 84 and 90) in relation to publishing records of public interest by agencies and the State Legislature, reading in part “…The people’s right to know the process of governmental decision-making and to review the documents and statistics leading to determinations is basic to our society. Access to such information should not be thwarted by shrouding it with the cloak of secrecy or confidentiality…”; and

WHEREAS, the State of New York has a tradition and long history of conducting its deliberations and debates in the public view and that in the enactment of the NY SAFE ACT the New York State Legislature and Governor Andrew Cuomo acted in contradiction of this long, time honored tradition of an open government; and

WHEREAS, the members of the Chemung County Legislature wish to express their concern that any future legislation which addresses the ownership of guns and the sale of ammunition in the State of New York be conducted only after an open debate pursuant to which the public is allowed to participate and express their points of view; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the Chemung County Legislature calls for the repeal of the NY SAFE ACT; and, be it further

RESOLVED, that the Chemung County Legislature supports the positions on the NY SAFE ACT as expressed by the New York State County Clerks Association and the New York State Sheriffs Association; and, be it further

RESOLVED, that the Clerk of the Legislature be and she hereby is directed to forward certified copies of this resolution to Governor Cuomo, members of the New York State Legislature, NYSAC, NACo, New York State Association of Towns, and each New York State County.

Ayes: Pastrick, Manchester, Sweet, Brennan, Graubard, Milliken, Woodard, Hitchcock, Bennett, Jackson, Milazzo, Madl, Strange, Draxler (Chair) (14); Excused: Hyland (1); Opposed: None

Elmira Police Department Retired Officers Association

The Elmira Police Department
Retired Officers Association
247 Jackson Creek Road
Erin, New York 14838

February 23, 2013

The Honorable Andrew M. Cuomo
Governor of New York State
NYS State Capitol Building Albany, NY 12224

Dear Governor Cuomo,

The Elmira Police Department Retired Officers Association (EPDROA) is
comprised of approximately sixty (60) former police officers from the City
of Elmira, and surrounding agencies. As such the members have over 1,500
years of combined law enforcement experience. The membership of the
Association have asked that this letter be sent and approved the following

The members of the EPDROA are very concerned about the passage of the
New York Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement Act. After thoughtful
study, we find that there are a few commendable parts to the law. Allowing
pistol permit holders to opt out of having their names released pursuant to
a F.O.I.L. request, and tighter scrutiny of persons who are dangerously
mentally ill are steps in the right direction. Enhanced background checks
might also be good, as long as the pedigree information of the weapon is not

The remainder of the SAFE Act however is seriously flawed. These serious
flaws are understandable in light of the hap-hazard and reckless manner in
which this legislation was hastily cobbled together. As officers who have
for years had to read, understand and enforce the laws of this State, it is
inconceivable that no one thought to include a law-enforcement exemption.
Additionally, officers cannot enter school grounds without becoming

One of the most offensive aspects of the manner in which this assault on
our rights was accomplished was your use of a ‘message of necessity’. There
was no legitimate reason for this. You stooped to this parliamentary
slight-of-hand for the sole purpose of circumventing the three-day maturing
process. Many legislators had only twenty (20) minutes to read and try to
understand the fifty-six (56) sections of this bill. Having reviewed this
legislation, it is clear that no one could have read and comprehended the
bill and understood its many implications in such short time. Further, none
of the legislators had the opportunity to get input or feedback from their
constituents, or other stakeholders. Even members of law enforcement were
not consulted. This is one of the most basic tenets of a representative
democracy. This entire process was one of deception, secrecy, withholding of
information and exclusion of the public. These are the actions of a banana
republic dictator, not the Governor of New York State. Your actions may have
been illegal, and were certainly unethical. We the members of the EPDROA
denounce this behavior in the harshest manner.

The SAFE Act is nothing more than a thinly veiled attempt to regulate
lawful gun ownership out of existence. We note with serious concern that you
have previously stated that outright confiscation of weapons was a
possibility. Therefore we completely understand the fear that the citizens
of New York State have when told that they will have to register their
weapons. As any student of history knows, registration always precedes
confiscation. There is now a well-advertised resistance movement to oppose
this law. The citizens of the state of New York are saying NO! As citizens
begin to distrust their law enforcement officers, there will be ever
increasing confrontations, needless confrontations. There will be no

The simple fact is that restricting the rights of law abiding gun owners
will do nothing to stem the gun violence that we now face. The $35 million
that you wish to spend on this unconstitutional law will be a complete
waste, just as the $44 million was for the Combined Ballistic Identification

Not only are the gun rights of every citizen of New York State
guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, they are also
codified in the New York Civil Rights Law, Article 2, §4. Governor Cuomo, if
someone opposed the rights of a black person to exercise the civil right to
vote, they would be called a racist bigot. If someone opposed the rights of
a Jewish person, to exercise the civil right to attend their Synagogue, they
would be an anti-Semitic bigot. If someone opposed the civil right of a
woman to attend a college that she was otherwise qualified for, they would
be called a sexist bigot. In light of your attack on our gun liberties, why
should we not refer to you as a liberty bigot?

We, the members of the EPDROA are well acquainted with all kinds of
violence. We are the ones who have had to stop the bleeding of wounded
victims before the EMT’s arrive. We are the ones who have chased armed
criminals through back yards in the dark of night. We are the ones who have
seen the puddles of blood, and yes sometimes it has been our own blood. We
are the ones who have had to notify the next-of-kin in many types of
tragedies. Yes, we are well acquainted with violence, and we don’t like it.
However, every one of us understands that crime and violence comes from the
human heart, not an inanimate object.

In closing the membership of the EPDROA perceives that you used the
events at Sandy Hook Elementary and Webster New York as an excuse to
sledgehammer this unconstitutional, unethical, and mistake laden law through
the Legislature in the middle of the night. We believe that you have
violated your oath of office. It is appalling to think that you would
capitalize on the deaths of children, and savage the constitutional and
civil rights of the citizens of New York State.

Yours truly,

Christopher F. Kamas Thomas P. Breitung
President Vice President

James E. Wandell Patrick J. Pariso
Secretary Treasurer

cc: Elmira Police Benevolent Association
Chemung County Executive
Chemung County Legislature Representatives
Congressman Tom Reed
Senator Thomas F. O’Mara
Assemblyman Christopher S. Friend