Tag Archives: CityOfOgdensburg

City Of Ogdensburg Resolution calling for Repeal

Councillor Morley moved a resolution protesting the passage and enforcement of the Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement Act (SAFE ACT) because it is an infringement of the second amendment of the Constitution of the United States, and Councillor Skamperle seconded to wit:


WHEREAS, City Councillors, at the swearing in ceremony, take an oath to defend and protect the Constitution of the United States of America, and

WHEREAS, we, the City Council of the City of Ogdensburg, feel that the Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement Act (SAFE ACT) is an infringement of the second amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America,

THEREFORE, we, The City Council of the City of Ogdensburg, request that our State representatives , including State Senators Ritchie, Griffo, and Little, and our Assembly People Russell and Blankenbush, and our Governor Andrew Cuomo move to overturn passage of the SAFE ACT.

Councillor Morley said he agrees with the mental health background check for a gun permit, but not every time ammunition is purchased. Mayor Nelson said he is against passing Bills in the dead of the night and noted there are a number of problems with this Bill. Councillor Ashley said it adds costs to the legal sportsman, noting numerous checks are required. Mayor Nelson said criminals are not going to abide by this law and advised that about 600 people were protesting in the Capitol courtyard area when he was there. Councillor Skamperle said this will leave law abiding citizens unsafe, does nothing to stop violent crime and goes against the Second Amendment. Councillor Cilley voiced concern about the $36 million in the budget to
enact and enforce this law when the school systems could use that money.

The vote was:

City of Ogdensburg says no to state firearms law

The Ogdensburg City Council on Tuesday took a stand on the state’s newly-enacted Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement Act.

Get rid of it.

The city’s lawmakers voted 6-0 to urge state legislators to overturn the controversial state law.

Mayor William D. Nelson, Deputy Mayor and sponsor Michael D. Morley and councilors Daniel E. Skamperle, William D. Hosmer, Wayne L. Ashley and R. Storm Cilley all voted in favor of overturning. Councilor Jennifer Stevenson was absent.

The summary statement in Mr. Morley’s resolution said it all.

“A resolution protesting the passage and enforcement of the Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement Act (SAFE ACT) because it is an infringement on the Second Amendment of the Constitution of the States.”

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