Putnam County Legislature Passes Resolution Opposing State Police Use of County Seal

With no opposition from either its own members or the audience, the Putnam County Legislature Tuesday night (March 4) unanimously passed a resolution opposing unauthorized use of the official county seal, such as its inclusion on New York State Police notices reminding handgun owners to re-certify their weapons. The legislature’s Rules Committee had previously endorsed the ban.

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Lewis County lashes out against state over SAFE Act

Lewis County legislators unanimously passed a resolution denying the state the use of the Lewis County name, seal, letterhead and address for the purposes of any correspondence with legal and registered gun owners regarding permit recertification or for any other purposes associated with the New York Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement Act.

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WHEREAS, the State of New York has passed a gun control law referred to as the New York SAFE Act; and

WHEREAS, this Act clearly indicates that the enforcement of this law is the responsibility of New York State; and

WHEREAS, in recent discussions the State has indicated an interest in using the
Madison County Seal and the names of the offices of Madison County Sheriff and Madison County Clerk in pistol permit recertification notices, and

WHEREAS, the Madison County Sheriff and the Madison County Clerk have voiced their strong objection to this request and suggestion;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Madison County Board of Supervisors denies the State of New York permission to use the name, seal of the County, letter head or address for purposes of corresponding with legal and registered gun owners regarding permit recertification for any other purpose associated with the SAFE Act; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that copies of this resolution be transmitted to the office of the Governor of New York State, the Superintendent of Police, NYS Senator David Valesky and NYS Assemblyman William Magee.


In SAFE Act defiance, Dutchess County Legislature says state can’t use county seal for gun recertification (VIDEO)

Dutchess County is telling New York state it can’t use the county seal on letters being sent to county residents who hold pistol permits.

In a 22-3 vote, members of the Dutchess County Legislature on Monday adopted a resolution specifically denying the state permission to use the “name, seal of the county, and county letterhead,” on recertification letters or other purposes connected to the New York SAFE Act gun control legislation.

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Dutchess County Seal Resolution

Dutchess County Seal Resolution 2014 by Evan Hempel

Resolution Opposing the use of the Montgomery County Seal and Name in any State Material Associated with Pistol Permit Recertification or Implementation of the “SAFE ACT” of 2013

RESOLUTION NO. 50 of 2014DATED: February 25, 2014


Resolution by Legislator:   Wheeler
Seconded by: Isabel

WHEREAS, the State of New York has passed a gun control law referred to as the SAFE Act, and,

WHEREAS, this act clearly indicates that the enforcement of this law is the responsibility of New York State, and,

WHEREAS, in discussions the state has indicated an interest in using the Montgomery County Seal and the names of the offices of the Montgomery County Sheriff and Montgomery County Clerk in pistol permit recertification notices,

RESOLVED, that the Montgomery County Legislature denies the State of New York permission to use its name, Seal of the County, letterhead or address for purposed of correspondence with legal and registered gun owners regarding permit recertification or for any other purpose associated with the SAFE Act,

FURTHER RESOLVED,  that certified copies of this resolution shall be forwarded to Governor Andrew M. Cuomo, Senator Cecilia Tkaczyk and Assemblyman Angelo Santabarbara, the Superintendent of the State Police, and the legislature of every County in the State of New York.
RESOLUTION VOTE, passed with Aye(7).  Legislator Duchessi voted Nay.  Legislator Dimond was absent.   (2/25/2014)

FOIL request to Governor Cuomo

Lets have fun with the Freedom of Information Law (FOIL)! Almost every resolution directs that a copy be sent to Governor Cuomo. Those copies are FOILable information. Lets order Governor Cuomo (his office really) to send you a list of all counties, municipalities, and other bodies which have opposed the law and copied the Governor on their opposition!  (There are probably some resolutions we don’t know about yet.)

Best of all, this process is very simple and will take up little time, just a simple email. If you don’t get a response within 5 days then the governor is breaking the law. More information on FOIL here: http://www.dos.ny.gov/coog/freedomfaq.html

Ok, lets go, send an email to records.access@exec.ny.gov
Subject: FOIL Request
I am looking for information on resolutions which have been passed and sent to Governor Cuomo. Please send lists of the following categories:

1. all counties which have sent a copy of a resolution or other statement regarding the SAFE act or second amendment or gun rights
2. all cities which have sent a copy of a resolution or other statement regarding the SAFE act or second amendment or gun rights
3. all towns which have sent a copy of a resolution or other statement regarding the SAFE act or second amendment or gun rights
4. all villages which have sent a copy of a resolution or other statement regarding the SAFE act or second amendment or gun rights
5. all law enforcement groups which have sent a copy of a resolution or other statement regarding the SAFE act or second amendment or gun rights
6. all other governmental bodies which have sent a copy of a resolution or other statement regarding the SAFE act or second amendment or gun rights
7. all counties which have sent a copy of a resolution or other statement regarding use of their county seal, letterhead, or other identifying information
8. all records, correspondence, and reports in any form containing information related to actions under the Mental Hygine Law section 9.46.

In each of these lists, provide the name of the entity and whether the resolution or statement was in favor of the SAFE act, in opposition, or neutral.

Please return the results electronically and without charge per FOIL law.

Thank you

Send that email, then wait. If you do not receive a reply after 5 complete business days, send a follow up email saying that they are now not in compliance with the Freedom of Information Law.

We did this last year with great results:

I urge you to get familiar with FOIL and use it as a tool when needed to get information from government at every level in New York State.

Franklin County Legislature Unanimously Pass Resolution Barring NYS From Using Seal

Email from County Clerk:

With my urging the Franklin County Legislators unanimously passed a resolution yesterday prohibiting the state from using the Franklin County Seal.

Kip Cassavaw
Franklin County Clerk
355 West Main Street, Suite 248
PO Box 70
Malone, NY 12953
518-481-1684 ph
518-483-9143 fx

St. Lawrence County reaches agreement on SAFE Act opposition

St. Lawrence County legislators reached a bipartisan agreement Tuesday opposing the use of the county seal on pistol permit recertifications and other paperwork related to the New York SAFE Act and calling for the repeal of the law.

Use of the county’s logo implies that the county agrees with the SAFE Act but most of its residents do not, Legislator Alex A. MacKinnon, R-Fowler, said.

“I don’t know if we’re ever going to get it repealed because New York City likes it,” he said.

Mr. Lightfoot welcomed an amendment to his resolution from Mr. Burns requesting the repeal of the SAFE Act in its entirety, a stance that the majority of legislators had shied away from before.

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No seal of approval for SAFE Act in Washington County

To show a form of protest against the state’s strict gun law, Washington County lawmakers adopted a provision preventing state police from using their county seal on any paper work that deals with the SAFE Act. Washington County’s decision means they join several other upstate counties–including Warren County–who passed similar resolutions.

It was a close verbal vote, Friday, in Washington County,  however because the board’s votes are weighted based on population the amendment passed.

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